Monday, April 27, 2009

Songs About Food: Jill Scott

"... made me some breakfast: toast, two scrambled eggs, grits ..."

Soul singers are funny, how they're always talking about doing the deed but are often quite modest about the details. Take Jill Scott - one of Philly's best exports, I might add - for example: an entire song about anticipating the nighttime activity, but all we know is that it's going to be "nasty, freaky, just right." On the other hand, we know the exact, specific details of her morning meal. Not only that, but breakfast is so important that it gets its own sweet harmony vocal, sustaining the word "grits" until it sounds like it should be spelled with about eleven "i"s. The listener is left with the distinct impression that Jill is more excited by the food than the sex, which amuses me to no end. I mean, I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day and all, and I'm not even going to try to hate on Jessica's amazing savory grits, but ... come on. [[justin]]

1 comment:

  1. Justin!! You won't believe what Jill Scott named her new baby. JETT HAMILTON. the distance between her kid's name and your kid's name is the width of a julienned carrot.
