Monday, March 30, 2009

Songs About Food: Sir Mix-A-Lot

"... hit Mickey D's, Maharaji starts to bug. He ate a Quarter Pounder, threw the pickles on my rug ..."
OK, I admit, I really wanted to post "Buttermilk Biscuits" but I couldn't find a good video for it. Maybe later this summer I'll make one myself or just post an mp3. For now, though, this is a more-than-adequate substitute. In fact, I'm particularly fond of this one because whenever I drive with my son in the car and we encounter a bad driver, I have to find creative ways to curse them out so he doesn't pick up any bad habits. Calling someone a "Bremelo gip," as in the third verse, is one of my personal favorites. Perhaps it will become one of yours, too? [[justin]]

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